This is a message to all my Republican friends (if I have any left—I’ve been kind of hard on some of your candidates lately), so all you Democrats can quit reading now and go do something else—there’s nothing in this for you.
Okay, Republicans. One of you needs to ‘fess up. One of you gave my name to Sharron Angle and told her I was a Republican. You know Sharron Angle. She’s the Tea-Partier who won the Nevada Republican Primary to run against Harry Reid for the U.S. Senate, making her the de facto head of the Committee to Guarantee Harry Reid’s Re-Election.
I got a letter from Sharon yesterday. The letterhead said
Sharron Angle
Official Republican Nominee
For U.S. Senate Against Harry Reid
Kind of like “I still can’t believe it, but it is “official.” Here’s how the letter started:
Dear James Fuglie,
If you’re the Republican I’ve been told you are, then I need you to find your checkbook right now.
See? I told you, one of you gave her my name and told her I was a Republican. Well, for the record, I am not. Oh, I've voted for a few Republicans--the good ones--like Bob Martinson. I've lived in Bob's district much of my political life, and he's been in the Legislature all of my political life. I jut tell my Democrat friends he's the son of Henry Martinson, the old Socialist organizer, but he has to run as a Republican to get elected in his district, and none of them ever check to see if that's true or not.
But now I've been labeled a Republican, and now I’m going to get all kinds of mail from Sharron Angle and other Republicans and Tea Partiers, because I know these people share their lists. And I don’t want to get those letters, because if they’re all as mean as this one, they’ll just ruin my day. I gotta tell you, this Angle woman is one mean, angry lady.
About four paragraphs in, she launches an attack on President Obama, and it goes on throughout the letter:
Not only is this the #1 race in America this year, it is nothing less than a referendum on the far left policies of Barack Obama and Harry Reid . . .
Obama and Reid are joined at the hip in forcing this radical expansion of government . . .
Nothing, and I mean nothing, would be a bigger blow to Obama’s agenda than for me to defeat Harry Reid . . .
Defeating Reid will spell doom for Obama’s agenda!
The whole letter is like that. Obama’s bad. Reid’s worse. Send me money. Not once in the letter does Sharron (what’s up with that extra “r” anyway?) say anything about what she stands for, or why she wants to be a U.S. Senator, or what she will do when she gets there. No, “stopping Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is Republicans’ #1 priority right now,” Sharron says in her letter a few times.
So I’m writing to you, my Republican friends, to ask you if you agree? Is that your #1 priority? Fixing the economy doesn’t matter? Stopping the war in Afghanistan? Balancing the budget? Putting people back to work? Those are down the list, behind killing the President’s agenda?
Y’know what? I don’t think so. Not the Republicans I know, here in North Dakota, like my friend Bob. But I think it just might be the #1 priority for Sharron Angle and even Mitch McConnell and the national Republican leadership. And that is sad.
But, back to matters at hand. One of you gave Sharron my name. She sent me a letter. She called me a Republican. A cruel hoax. So I’m going to use her return envelope. I’m writing her a note:
Dear Sharron,
I will send $25 to your campaign if you will tell me who gave you my name.
James Fuglie
I don’t doubt for a minute she’s going to rat you out, whoever you are. So you might just as well come forward now and confess.